Chapter 16 WIP (update #4) Almost Dead

171 of the 327 images have been completed for this chapter. This completion marks the halfway point for this chapter, and I anticipate a release within the next 4-5 weeks.

stay safe out there.

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oh the torture of having to wait for the next download soooooo cant wait for this epic next chapter , might just replay it multiple times once you finish. wish i knew how to make great games like you do Bro 

I don't know if it's going to be epic... but I think it will be good!

(1 edit)

o ja right srry forgot but this update took you awhile right longer then usualaslong it stay quality updates i dont mind iff it takes longer as long as they arent short ether lol

i Love me some visual reading

is that tina's mom

no that's April from Chapter 15