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A more advanced Ren'py phone project than the previous Phone message system for Ren'py.

The file you download is a complete project with instructions and a demonstration of the phone use the renpy launcher to launch the project and see what it can do.

Changes made from the first version:

  •  9 possible background screens that can be locked and unlocked
  •  A progress bar in the music player for the song being played
  •  Complete rework of the message screen for easier messages and how they are displayed
  •  Fixed the "VPGrid not full" error for renpy 8 (you do NOT need to add define config.allow_underfull_grids = True anymore to make it work)
  • turning off the phone now stops the music that it is playing
  • an extremely simple choice menu for 2-3 items only
  • icons on the main and relationship screen will now display what they are for or the persons name when the mouse is on an icon

Now all the messages are saved and can be scrolled through. Music screen play your favorite tunes while you're playing. Keep track of your in game money on your phone. Get stat on the people in your game. Change the background (up to 9 different background images available). Send and receive images that can be clicked to make them full-screen. Optional to turn the phone off if they don't charge the battery or when they really need to make a call

Photoshop .psd files included to make icons, backgrounds and other things needed.

  • mobile.rpy does most of the work
  • all-phone-images.rpy takes care of the images that are sent and received
  • all-messages.rpy is where the messages are stored at
  • copy the above three (3)  rpy files as well as the images/mobile folder inside the images folder into your game directory to use
  • Should work with any renpy project, maybe? (up to at least 8.1...)
  • Look over the scripts for examples and instructions
  • functional icons on the main screen for
    • Patreon
    • discord
    • subscribestar
    • buy me a coffee
    • you can add your own as needed or remove them if you want

You will need the Ren'py SDK to run this, it is un-compiled.

This was originally made by Cr8tive M3dia for his game https://cr8tive-m3dia.itch.io    He asked me to help make some changes and I got a little carried away.   

Enjoy and Stay safe out there.


with the new versions of renpy 8.2 and higher, an error occurs when you move the scripts to the newer version of renpy (as pointed out to me by a Reddit user) and commenting out line 398 will fix this error (I'm not going to publish an update till i get all the other thing implemented

        value AudioPositionValue(channel='music')
        xpos 1620
        ypos 400
        ysize 20
        xsize 250
        # xmaximum 250  <--this line here

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advanced phone project8 v1.2.rar 22 MB

Development log


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(3 edits)

In the message system how do I keep the messages going without closing the phone. I want to send and receive messages but I can only get it to work when I have to open and close the phone

yes the only way to get it to update is to close the phone as that was how it was originally setup to be used

II love this.

This looks so cool

Just a question.

Can I use this in a commercial project?

yes you can

(1 edit)

Thank you

you're welcome
good luck with your project

(1 edit)

Not sure if this is a version specific issue, or a problem with some tweaks I made, but on my current renpy version,, the phone steps dialogue forward a step between the relationships screen, and the phonePal screen, despite both being modal.

Quick hacked together fix I've managed, change all numbered instances of

Call("phonePal", 1, girl1_name, girl1_love, girl1_lust, girl1_dominance, girl1_submissive, girl1_pregnant)


Show("central_stats", girl=1, name=girl1_name, love=)girl1_love, lust=girl1_lust, dominance=girl1_dominance, submissive=girl1_submissive, pregnant=girl1_pregnant)

It's a bit messy, but I believe that should work nearly as well as your the current implementation and it gets rid of the problem for me.

Is this free to use and distribute?

it is free to use in a project that you distribute

Great help, but any chance you could make the phone positioning programmatic? (I admit I'm completely new to Python.. but I've tried everything to move the phonepos and none of the contents appear anchored to the phone frame.) Sorry if I'm just an idiot.. this Python/RenPy is completely foreign, unlike C# or Java. lol

no it's not set up like that and would probably be need to full re-write to be able to do that

Thank you for the response.

you're welcome

good luck with your project

Is there anyway to use this where the messages don't all show up at once? I've tried using the msg_count option but that doesn't change anything if the player isn't looking at the phone when that happens, and if they are in the phone and want to go to the next message they have to close the phone, click to go to the next line, and then go back into the phone to see the next message.

provided you are using the correct _msg_count it will change for that particular (message sender)/person and the only way to update that screen is to open/show it so you have to close it

Hi , newbie coder here, how do you only make the phone show select messages, for example i have an if statement that triggers says message 1 and 5 but it also shows the messages in between .

hope that makes sense, this was an amazing asset and thanks

you can NOT show a message out of sequence from the list 

i.e. you can NOT show #1 then #5, you would have to show #1-5 

or re-organize the list

ok thanks i had hoped there was a way with .pop or remove but no such joy .

thanks for the quick reply

I don't have anything set in place to do, but you can do it manually like this

$ girl1_message.pop(0)   # that would remove the first message in the list for girl1

if you do, keep in mind that since you removed the first message number (0) zero, now message (1) one is the new message (0) zero

it shifts everything below it to fill in the empty space and it can NOT be reversed or put back (the message is burned forever (unless you restart the game)), good way to gaslight your character i guess

Thanks i did try that before but i then run into an empty list error attempting a work around .

amazing  coding btw and thanks for showing what it all does.

yes the list must have something in it before you pop it. (and being python zero (0) is the first entry and number 1 is the second.

as long as you follow the format $ nameOfTheList.pop(entryNumber)

I can't take all the credit Cr8tiveM3dia did some of the coding to.

Deleted 199 days ago

by setting bg1-9 to True like this

$ bg2 = True

I had bg1 as True by default in the script.rpy and it was the default background on the phone